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Model Definitions

User / Player

User Object

Name Type Description
id int The User ID
username string Username (internal only)
last_login DateTime Date Player last logged in (UTC). Format: ISO8601
first_name string Player’s first name
last_name string Player’s last name
email string Player’s email
is_active bool Whether the user account is active or not.
date_joined DateTime Date when the player was created (UTC). Format: ISO8601
is_player bool Whether the user is a player or not.
player Player object Player details

Player Object

Name Type Description
id int The Player ID
uid string The Player UID
display_name string The Player’s display name
avatar string The Player’s avatar URL (can be null)
country string The Player’s country (can be null)
created_at DateTime Date created (UTC). Format: ISO8601
updated_at DateTime Date updated (UTC). Format: ISO8601

Player Data Object

Name Type Description
id int The GameData ID
key string The key
value string/object The value
data_type int The data type (1=string, 2=json, 3=incrementer)
permission int The permission type (1=Read Only, 2=Read Write)

Game Data Object

Name Type Description
id int The GameData ID
key string The key
value string/object The value
data_type int The data type (1=string, 2=json, 3=incrementer)
permission int The permission type (1=Read Only, 2=Read Write)


Achievement Object

Name Type Description
id id The Achievement ID
display_name string The display name
description string The description
icon string The achievement icon image
state string The state (Hidden, Redacted, Revealed)
badge_type string The badge type (Default, Incremental)
steps int The number of steps required to unlock
index int The position in the achievement list
custom_data object Custom data

Player Achievement Object

Name Type Description
id int The PlayerBadge ID
game int The Game ID
player int The Player ID
badge Achievement object The Achievement details
steps int The number of steps required to unlock
percentage_complete int The percentage of progress towards unlocking


Currency Object

Name Type Description
id int The Currency ID
currency_code string Three-letter currency code
display_name string The display name
initial_balance int The initial balance
max_balance int The max balance
custom_data object Custom data

Player Currency Object

Name Type Description
id int The PlayerCurrency ID
game int The Game ID
player int The Player ID
currency Currency object The Currency details
amount int The Currency balance


Rank Object

Name Type Description
id int The Rank ID
game int The Game ID
name string The Rank name
icon string Absolute URL for icon image (can be null)
index int The display order

Player Rank Object

Name Type Description
id int The PlayerRank ID
game int The Game ID
player int The Player ID
rank Rank object Rank details


Statistic Object

Name Type Description
id int The Statistic ID
game int The Game ID
name string The Statistic name
slug string The Statistic slug

Player Statistic Object

Name Type Description
id int The PlayerCheckin ID
player int The Player ID
statistic Statistic object The Statistic details
value int The current Statistic value


Leaderboard Object

Name Type Description
id id The Leaderboard ID
game int The Game ID
statistic int The Statistic ID
statistic_name string The Statistic name
reset_frequency string The reset frequency (MA, DA, MO)
reset_frequency_value string The reset frequency (Manually, Daily, Monthly)
aggregation_method string The aggregation method (MI, MA, SU, LA)
aggregation_method_value string The aggregation method (Mininum, Maximum, Sum, Last)
leaderboard_data list List of PlayerPositions

Leaderboard Position Object

Name Type Description
value id The value
player_pk int The Player ID
player_name string The Player display name


Checkin Object

Name Type Description
id int The Checkin ID
uid string The UID
name string Display name
game int The Game ID
code string The code
metadata object Custom data
address string The address (can be null)
city string The city (can be null)
state string The state (can be null)
postal_code string The postal code (can be null)
country string The two-letter country code (can be null)
lat float The latitude coordinate (can be null)
lng float The longitude coordinate (can be null)

Player Checkin Object

Name Type Description
id int The PlayerCheckin ID
player int The Player ID
checkin Checkin object Checkin details
created_at DateTime Date created (UTC). Format: ISO8601